rich: whats up baby..
Me: Nice
Me: and you
rich: did you have a good day?
Me: you sleep good
rich: yes..
rich: watch tv too late..
Me: yes
rich: lots of coffee..hahaha
Me: not healthy darling.
rich: you dont like cofee.right?
Me: no I don't like.
rich: yes i know mi amor..
rich: that means my love in spanish
Me: i like milk fruit juice.
rich: americans love coffee
rich: i like milk and fruit juice..
Me: ok
rich: but not in the mornings..hahaha
rich: just got out of the shower..
rich: its sooooo cold..
Me: morning Thai people eat rice.
rich: really rice..
rich: thats it..
Me: and milk.
Me: you know
Me: yes
rich: its good?
Me: you don't like
Me: rice
rich: rice is good
rich: i buy this frozen rice..
Me: really?
rich: its good
rich: really
rich: well i dreamed about u
Me: Really
rich: yes..
Me: good
rich: 6 days this cupid is going to expire
rich: dont want it no more
rich: only want u
rich: have u been good girl for me..
Me: We can talk orther Cupid.
rich: or do u want me to pay again..
Me: I don't want
rich: ok..
rich: have to listen to my girl..
rich: i will figure something out..
rich: ammy
rich: have to tell u something
Me: yes
rich: no no no
rich: just wanted to tell
rich: you that
rich: i love u..and miss u
Me: but I trust you,I don't care...
rich: no if u dont want
rich: thats ok
rich: have to leave for work..i will email you ...ok..
rich: 45minutes
rich: ok
rich: dont let some farlang steal you..
rich: love you
Me: Ok