Employee Performance Appraisal
Annual Performance Appraisal
Department Managers & Above
A. Personal Data
Name : Location : LTL
Position :
Date Entered Job :
Appraisal Period : From : 01.01.2014 To : 31.12.2014
Name of Appraiser : Bruce Metcalfe
Approval by Appraisers Superior :
Employee Signature : Date : December 24, 2014
The purpose of the Annual Performance Appraisal is to establish and maintain regular dialogue
between the manager and the individual employee which :
1. Provides direction and develops plans for individual growth
2. Acknowledges and reinforces accomplishments
3. Identifies and develops solutions to performance deficiencies and
4. Implements the organizations policy on compensation and management development
General Instructions for Managers Completing This Form
1. The Employee Performance Appraisal Foem (EPA) is designed to assist you in appraising each
menber of your staff.
2. The Completed E.P.A. is a confidential document which may be reviewed by the incumbent and
other appropriate executives. No copies should be made without the approval of the Director of
Human Resources
3. This form should be completed for all department managers.