Therefore, GP has potential as a bioactive food ingredient which can also increase the profits for grape growers while acting as a value-adding by-product of wine production. The exploration of ways of incorporating these by-products as a health-food ingredient in the human diet could provide many health benefits. Because cereal-based products have been, and still are, a central constituent in the diets of most populations, the use of such products supplemented with various nutritious, protective, and ballast substances may be appropriate. However, utilisation of GP in biscuits is very limited, and no accurate information is available on the effect of GP on the quality of bakery products, such as muffins. On the other hand, baking processes might have an influence on the stability of PCs (Bajerska, Mildner-Szkudlarz, Jeszka, & Szwengiel, 2010; Wang & Zhou, 2004), and could induce modifications in the chemical composition and properties of food(Michalska, Amigo-Benavent, Zielin´ ski, & del Castillo, 2008). It has been reported that the antioxidant activities of grapeseed extract added to bread were lowered by around 30–40% by thermal processing, probably due to degradation of the PCs (Peng, Ma, & Cheng, 2010). Moreover, free amino groups of lysine (Lys), peptides,and proteins can react with the carbonyl group of reducingsugars or lipid oxidation products during baking to form advancedglycation end products, including Ne-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML)(Fu et al., 1996; Lima, Assar, & Ames, 2010). Recently, CML has been viewed as potentially toxic in food, and its accumulation in vivo has been implicated as a major pathogenic process in diabetic complications, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and normal ageing (Nerlich & Schleicher, 1999). Obviously, the concentration of CML in food is affected by many factors, including temperature, length of the period of heating, pH, concentrations and reactivity of the components present, water content, and the presence of inhibitory compounds like antioxidants (Charissou, Ait-Ameur, & Birlouez-Aragon, 2007; Srey et al., 2010). Natural extracts of beans, cinnamon bark, grapeseed, and peanut skins, along with catechol compounds, have been demonstrated to possess strong inhibitory effects on AGE formation (Peng et al., 2008, 2010). So far, there have been no reports on the addition of GP to cereal-based products,which are consumed daily, or proving their protective effect against CML formation.The present study was designed to investigate the effects of various food ingredients—protein-rich components, salt, baking powder, different types of sugar, and plant oil—on CML content.Furthermore, the associated effects of the addition of GP, as well as of food ingredients, on CML formation in model muffins was also assessed as the main objective of this study.
Therefore, GP has potential as a bioactive food ingredient which can also increase the profits for grape growers while acting as a value-adding by-product of wine production. The exploration of ways of incorporating these by-products as a health-food ingredient in the human diet could provide many health benefits. Because cereal-based products have been, and still are, a central constituent in the diets of most populations, the use of such products supplemented with various nutritious, protective, and ballast substances may be appropriate. However, utilisation of GP in biscuits is very limited, and no accurate information is available on the effect of GP on the quality of bakery products, such as muffins. On the other hand, baking processes might have an influence on the stability of PCs (Bajerska, Mildner-Szkudlarz, Jeszka, & Szwengiel, 2010; Wang & Zhou, 2004), and could induce modifications in the chemical composition and properties of food(Michalska, Amigo-Benavent, Zielin´ ski, & del Castillo, 2008). It has been reported that the antioxidant activities of grapeseed extract added to bread were lowered by around 30–40% by thermal processing, probably due to degradation of the PCs (Peng, Ma, & Cheng, 2010). Moreover, free amino groups of lysine (Lys), peptides,and proteins can react with the carbonyl group of reducingsugars or lipid oxidation products during baking to form advancedglycation end products, including Ne-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML)(Fu et al., 1996; Lima, Assar, & Ames, 2010). Recently, CML has been viewed as potentially toxic in food, and its accumulation in vivo has been implicated as a major pathogenic process in diabetic complications, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and normal ageing (Nerlich & Schleicher, 1999). Obviously, the concentration of CML in food is affected by many factors, including temperature, length of the period of heating, pH, concentrations and reactivity of the components present, water content, and the presence of inhibitory compounds like antioxidants (Charissou, Ait-Ameur, & Birlouez-Aragon, 2007; Srey et al., 2010). Natural extracts of beans, cinnamon bark, grapeseed, and peanut skins, along with catechol compounds, have been demonstrated to possess strong inhibitory effects on AGE formation (Peng et al., 2008, 2010). So far, there have been no reports on the addition of GP to cereal-based products,which are consumed daily, or proving their protective effect against CML formation.The present study was designed to investigate the effects of various food ingredients—protein-rich components, salt, baking powder, different types of sugar, and plant oil—on CML content.Furthermore, the associated effects of the addition of GP, as well as of food ingredients, on CML formation in model muffins was also assessed as the main objective of this study.
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