Virus resistant plants
TMV resistant tobacco and tomato plants are produced by introducing viral coat proteins. Other viral resistant transgenic plants are (a) Potato virus resistant potato plants (b) RSV resistant rice, (c) YMV resistant black gram and (d) YMV resistant green gram etc.
Pest resistant plants
There is clearly a benefit to farmers, if transgenic plants are developing a resistant into specific pest. For example, Papaya-ring-spot-virus resistant papaya has been commercialized and grown in Hawaii since 1996. There may also be a benefit to the environment, if the use of pesticides is reduced
Therapeutic proteins from transgenic plants
Proteins of therapeutic importance, like those used in the treatment, diagnosis of human diseases can be produced in plants, using recombinant DNA technology. Scaling-up of these transgenic plants to fields, results in industrial production of proteins. The area of research combining molecular Biotechnology and Agriculture is called Molecular farming or pharming. The proteins produced in transgenic plants for therapeutic use, are of three types (i) antibodies, (b) proteins and (iii) vaccines.
Use of marginalized land
A vast landmass across the globe, both coastal as well as terrestrial has been marginalized because of excessive salinity and alkalinity. A salt tolerance gene from Mangroves (Avicennia marina) has been identified, cloned and transferred to other plants
. The transgenic plants were found to be tolerant to higher concentrations of salt. The gut D gene from Escherichia coli has been used to generate salt tolerant transgenic maize plants. Such genes are a potential source for developing cropping systems for marginalized lands
Disadvantages of transgenic crops
1.A concern, about what affect genetically modified material, could have on human health. For example, transgenic crops have been suggested to cause allergies in some people, although it is uncertain, whether transgenic crops are the source of this reaction.20 Furthermore, the antibiotic resistance genes, placed in these crops have been suggested to cause resistance to antibiotics, leading to super bugs, which cannot be killed with antibiotic
2.A concern, about whether transgenic crops cause damage to the natural environment. One example that includes pollen from transgenic corn, which has capacity to kill the Monarch butterfly larvae. It has been shown that hybrid corn expresses a bacterial toxin in its pollen, which is then dispersed over 60 m by wind.
Virus resistant plants TMV resistant tobacco and tomato plants are produced by introducing viral coat proteins. Other viral resistant transgenic plants are (a) Potato virus resistant potato plants (b) RSV resistant rice, (c) YMV resistant black gram and (d) YMV resistant green gram etc.Pest resistant plants There is clearly a benefit to farmers, if transgenic plants are developing a resistant into specific pest. For example, Papaya-ring-spot-virus resistant papaya has been commercialized and grown in Hawaii since 1996. There may also be a benefit to the environment, if the use of pesticides is reducedTherapeutic proteins from transgenic plants Proteins of therapeutic importance, like those used in the treatment, diagnosis of human diseases can be produced in plants, using recombinant DNA technology. Scaling-up of these transgenic plants to fields, results in industrial production of proteins. The area of research combining molecular Biotechnology and Agriculture is called Molecular farming or pharming. The proteins produced in transgenic plants for therapeutic use, are of three types (i) antibodies, (b) proteins and (iii) vaccines. Use of marginalized land A vast landmass across the globe, both coastal as well as terrestrial has been marginalized because of excessive salinity and alkalinity. A salt tolerance gene from Mangroves (Avicennia marina) has been identified, cloned and transferred to other plants
. The transgenic plants were found to be tolerant to higher concentrations of salt. The gut D gene from Escherichia coli has been used to generate salt tolerant transgenic maize plants. Such genes are a potential source for developing cropping systems for marginalized lands
Disadvantages of transgenic crops
1.A concern, about what affect genetically modified material, could have on human health. For example, transgenic crops have been suggested to cause allergies in some people, although it is uncertain, whether transgenic crops are the source of this reaction.20 Furthermore, the antibiotic resistance genes, placed in these crops have been suggested to cause resistance to antibiotics, leading to super bugs, which cannot be killed with antibiotic
2.A concern, about whether transgenic crops cause damage to the natural environment. One example that includes pollen from transgenic corn, which has capacity to kill the Monarch butterfly larvae. It has been shown that hybrid corn expresses a bacterial toxin in its pollen, which is then dispersed over 60 m by wind.
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