From such diverse point on the globe as the U.S.,Europe,and India,people have periodically reported such things as fish,frogs and snakes suddenly falling from the sky.In one case ,in july of 1901,a sudden heavy rain of frogs toads fell on the city of Minneapolis,Minnesota.A reporter who covered the event wrote:"When the storm was at its highest,there appeared from the sky a huge green mass.Then followed a peculiar sound,unlike that of rain or hail. Whan the storm lessend,people found a variety of frogs'three inches deep and covering an area of more than four blocks... so thick in some places travel was impossible
Some people believe these events are caused by tornadoes that occur over bodies of water.The theory is that the tornadoes,whose force sucks up animals into the clouds,are also responsible for carrying the animal until they are dropped back onto land.however,this explanation has never been proven. It also does not explain why many of these tainfalls consist of only one species,and why many of them coaist of species that are not native to the area where they fall,but to an area many hundreds of miles away.