Dear Governors,
Once again, it’s Speech Day week – and I’m delighted to introduce you to our Guest of Honour, Mrs Lyndsey O’Loughlin, who is the Vice Chair of the Governing Body at Shrewsbury School UK. She is delightful!
There is an open invitation to all of you and your spouses / partners to the following events:
1. Thu 28th Apr ‘16
a. Eve of Speech Day concert:
i. 16h00 Khunying Sumanee Memorial Hall
2. Fri 29th Apr ‘16
a. Junior School Speech Day:
i. 08h00 Khunying Sumanee Memorial Hall
b. Senior School Speech Day
i. 13h00 Khunying Sumanee Memorial Hall
c. Dinner
i. 19h00 Drinks, Bamboo Bar Oriental Hotel
ii. 20h00 Dinner, Lord Jim’s, Oriental Hotel