3. Results and discussion
Extracts received from eight different genus edible fish grown
in salt and fresh water collected from local grocery stores in Maryville,
Missouri were analyzed by GC-SIM-MS technique. Reagent
blanks and injection sequence solvent blanks were also analyzed
and did not show the presence of any characteristics mass signals
of the target compounds listed in Table 2. Thus, it was recognized
that the HHCB, AHTN nitromusks, TCS antimicrobial agent, and
DPH antihistamine were originally received from the edible fish fillet
3.1. Detection protocols of target analytes in fish
Detection of the select target compounds in the fish fillet
extract was accomplished by GC–MS in the SIM mode. Mass spectral
features and retention times, given by the target compounds
from the fish extracts, were employed to characterize the compounds,
by comparing with the authentic standards. Representative
SIM ion chromatograms shown in Fig. 2 are for (A) a
standard solution containing, 100 pg ll
1 of TCS and (B) a Whiting
(genus Merlangius) fillet extract. These chromatograms illustrate
an excellent similarity of the retention time of the TCS eluted from
the capillary column at 21.28 min with an increment of 0.01 min in
the Whiting fish fillet sample. An increment of retention time, up
to 0.08 min, was observed for other fish such as Salmon and Tuna
fillet extracts (not shown), and peak widths at half-height were
about 3 s. The variations of retention behavior were expected because
of interferences from the matrix which co-extracted with
the target compounds from fish specimens. These insignificant
variations of retention time allowed identification and quantifica