Between 2008 and 2011, 788 women at high risk for GDM were recruited for the
RADIEL study. Sixty-one women were excluded because of not meeting the inclusion
criteria (n = 28) or not providing an informed consent form (n = 33). Of the 727 eligible
women, 235 were non-pregnant and 492 pregnant. In this cross-sectional study, we
included the 492 pregnant women recruited for the RADIEL study, among whom 482
completed the EPDS. Of the 750 pregnant women in the general population who received
the EPDS, 395 (52.7%) returned the EPDS, among whom 358 completed the EPDS before
gestational week 20. Finally, 482 pregnant women at high risk for GDM and 358 pregnant
women in the general population were included in this study