Company mobile Phone Regulation
1. Who will be provided with the mobile phone by the company?
1.1 All of Managers
1.2 Sales Representatives and Asst. , IT, Messenger
1.3 Assist, Messenger (with the limit of 600/THB/month
1.4 Other position approved by GM each section
2. The company mobile phone rules and regulations.
2.1 The applicant shall fill up the necessary request form and get approval form
Dept.Manager & General manager . Then, the application shall summit to General manager Administration approval
2.2 The company determines models with requested function and purchase directly from
mobile phone companies
2.3 The employees shall not resell the company mobile phone no pay to upgrade it.
2.4 In case that the employees lose or break the company mobile phone the employees shall compensate for the loss.
2.5 The employees shall use the company mobile phone for the company business only and shall not use it against the law and public regulation.
2.6 In case that the employees resign or are terminated, the employees shall return the com[any mobile phone with related attachment promptly.
2.7 The company might as the employees about the usage when the company finds unusual expenses of the company mobile phone usage.
2.8 Others rules and regulation, the employees shall behave according to the company regulations