Information was collected on age, smoking behaviour, occupation,
overcrowding and fuel used for cooking at home. Weight and
height was accurately recorded, using standard techniques (Weiner
and Lourie 1981). For the type of fuel used, the predominant fuel
used over the past year was considered. Those smoking >10
cigarettes or bidis per day for the last 20 years or more were
considered heavy smokers (smoking index of 20 pack-years).
Overcrowding was classified according to the number of persons
per room. Pulmonary function tests done for all the subjects
included forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the
first second (FEV 1.0) and FEV 1.0/FVC. Three readings were
taken after explaining and demonstrating the test procedure. The
best of three readings was considered for analysis. The predicted
value of FEV 1.0 for the concerned population was calculated and
80% of the predicted value determined. The data of textile workers
were compared with control groups.
Information was collected on age, smoking behaviour, occupation,overcrowding and fuel used for cooking at home. Weight andheight was accurately recorded, using standard techniques (Weinerand Lourie 1981). For the type of fuel used, the predominant fuelused over the past year was considered. Those smoking >10cigarettes or bidis per day for the last 20 years or more wereconsidered heavy smokers (smoking index of 20 pack-years).Overcrowding was classified according to the number of personsper room. Pulmonary function tests done for all the subjectsincluded forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in thefirst second (FEV 1.0) and FEV 1.0/FVC. Three readings weretaken after explaining and demonstrating the test procedure. Thebest of three readings was considered for analysis. The predictedvalue of FEV 1.0 for the concerned population was calculated and80% of the predicted value determined. The data of textile workerswere compared with control groups.
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