1. Download the software along with crack: Part 1: Link 1 OR Link 2 Part 2: Link 1 OR Link 2
****** CRACK ONLY ******
2. Join the 2 parts using HJSplit.
3. Install OriginPro using the main installer.
4. Use this serial number when asked: GF3S4-9089-7991320
5. Replace the original files with the included cracked ones.
6. Copy the license file (orglab.lic) to the license folders:
Windows XP: Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataOriginLab91License
Win7/Vista: ProgramDataOriginLab91License
If the folders do not exist on your system, just create them.
Alternatively, you can run the included batch license setup.
7. Start OriginPro and use this RegistrationID to register it: GRM-RVR-AR2
8. You are done..!!! don’t forget to like, share and rate it..!