As the temperature in the chicken nuggets rises at a slower rate it delays the buildup of pressure. When the temperature
reaches the evaporation point, the pressure starts to rise in the nuggets. This can be attributed to the vapor pressure exerted by the water vapors on the cellular structure of the chicken nuggets. As soon as the temperature inside the chicken nuggets reaches the maximum value, the pressure suddenly drops and stays negative throughout the cooling period. The pressure values for chicken nuggets are not of the same order as for potato discs. This could be due to the lesser moisture content in nuggets or the tender structure of chicken nuggets, which exerts lesser force on the tip of the sensor. The pressure inside the chicken nuggets remains negative throughout the frying and cooling periods for all samples. This negative pressure inside may result in the oil uptake throughout the frying period. The sudden drop in the
pressure inside the nuggets during the cooling period may result in further absorption of surface oil into the interior of the