Air Quality: The European Union officially adopted a 20-20-
20 Renewable Energy Directive setting climate change reduction
goals for the next decade.4 The targets call for a 20% reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared with 1990 levels, a 20% cut in energy consumption through improved energy
efficiency by 2020, and a 20% increase in the use of renewable
energy by 2020. To such an extent, an urban IoT can provide
means to monitor the quality of the air in crowded areas, parks, or
fitness trails [13]. In addition, communication facilities can be
provided to let health applications running on joggers’ devices be
connected to the infrastructure. In such a way, people can always
find the healthiest path for outdoor activities and can be continuously
connected to their preferred personal training application.
The realization of such a service requires that air quality and
pollution sensors be deployed across the city and that the sensor
data be made publicly available to citizens.