They had to turn their boat around and go back. Pretty soon they passed another sign: LAGOON THIS WAY"I thought you said it was a lost lagoon," said Uncle Tooth. Hmmm said Otto. "I'm sure that sign wasn't there yesterday." "Let's ignore it and see what happens suggested Uncle Tooth They went on. Soon they passed the old windmill and the bridge. "We're getting warmer," said Otto. Then he heard the strange singing again"What's that?" asked Uncle Tooth. "I don't know, but it means we are near the lagoon,'' otto said. They came to the beach where otto and Ducky Doodle had stopped for lunch. It was littered with empty soda pop bottlesหน้า28
"i know these weren't here yesterday," said Otto. "I smell a rat," said Uncle Tooth. They moored their boat and went down the beach to the cave.หน้า29
"Let's not go through it," Uncle Tooth whispered. "We can climb up these rocks and look over." They climbed the rocks. when they got to the top, they could see the lagoon. Sid Rat and Ducky Doodle were on a boat in the middle of the water. But where were Jiminy and Biminy?หน้า30
"Surprise!" called Jiminy and Biminy from behind them They flung a rope around Otto and Uncle Tooth and pulled it tight. "We've been expecting you," they sneered. They led Otto and Uncle Tooth down a path to the water's edge.หน้า31