It was found that small holders are not interested in a group system, the value of individual working, deficient knowledge in group system, and inefficient government plans and policy are the main causes of this constraint. In the issue of no interest in a group system, it was found that, at present, small holders are not confident in a group system, for they believe that a group system canût solve their problems because some small holders have had bad experiences in the past. In value of individual working, small holders normally work individually to sell their production and decide their own management strategy. They are afraid that they will lose their benefits if they participate in a group. It can be said that small holders are more concerned with selfish interests than with social benefits. Regarding deficient knowledge of group systems, it was found that inefficient coordination systems and little adaptation to group system of knowledge were the main causes of this constraint, primarily due to the low educational level of small holders and change agents who normally had various activities in the community