The impact of Migration on the home country
migration pointLoss of skilled labour:
The biggest negative impact on the country of exit perhaps, is the fact that young graduates (or skilled labour and professional) leave to offer their services to other countries. In many developing countries, doctors, nurses, engineers and very bright professionals are lost to other countries.
migration pointPopulation and markets:
Businesses do better with bigger markets and more buyers. A growing and healthy population often provides the needed market for economic growth and development. When the youth leave, the population stalls and demand for some goods and services fall.
migration pointSocial/Family:
When parents leave, children and other dependents suffer the most, as they loose out on the important psychological development that they need from good parenting. Many of the children are exposed to social vices at an early age, because there is no parental control.
migration point Remittances:
It is known that migrants send lots of monies home to support their family. That is a massive flow of foreign exchange or funds that the local government and families can tap into for development and economic growth.
migration point Better job prospects for locals:
When the youth leave, there is less pressure for jobs, and people are more likely to find something to do.
migration point Knowledge and skills flow:
Particularly for short-term and seasonal migration, migrants often bring home new ideas, skills and knowledge that they have acquired from their travel. Many businesses, farm practices and economic ventures have been started by people who got ideas and knowledge during the times they spent in migration.