Descriptive Analysis
Means, standard deviations, and correlations are given in Table 3. Gender
correlated with moral disengagement and affective and cognitive empathy:
boys showed higher moral disengagement; girls showed higher levels of
affective and cognitive empathy. Nevertheless gender only correlated significantly
with attitudes and normative beliefs regarding the bully role, it was
not associated to attitudes or normative beliefs toward the defender role.
To clarify the relationships between our variables, multiple regression
analyses were performed for each attitude regarding each bullying role. The
variables were theoretically ordered in three blocks: sociodemographic
variables (Block 1 = gender, age), sociocognitive variables (Block 2 = moral disengagement,
affective empathy and cognitive empathy), and normative beliefs
regarding the role in question (Block 3). Belief in a just world was not included
because it did not significantly correlate to any of the attitudes. Therefore, we
will study the explanatory power of sociocognitive variables to predict attitudes
in addition to that of sociodemographic variables. Furthermore, we will investigate
the explanatory power of normative beliefs to predict attitudes in addition
to that of the sociocognitive variables. Results are presented in Tables 4 and 5.