yes I do have a few your last visit you wanted an adventure with my words..but you did not come to talk to me.?.my words paint pictures..but my pictures can paint a thousand words..if you want to see them.. take off your sun glasses and hat and remove the veil you hide behind.!!.what adventure do you seek.?.i am not as the crow..i do not fly through life in a straight line..I will go where angels fear to tread..I am as the cuckoo in springtime..but I fly without wings.!!.my birth sign is Leo-the lion the king of the of my passions is writing(and I have many)..I am a romantic..but not looking for romance..but my pen desires to seduce the world.!!.so it stalks in life's tall jungle grass searching for its are you ready for an uninhibited journey through life..if you are..then welcome to my land of dreams.!!.the next move is yours..come and fly across the roof of the world