In many languages, the names of the days of the week come from numbers or planets. In Chinese, for example, the days of the week are numbers. Monday is called day one. In Spanish, many of the days of the week have the names of planets. Monday is lunes, which comes from the word for moon. Tuesday is martes, which comes from the planet Mars.
Wednesday is miercoles, which comes from the planet Mercury. Thursday is jueves, which comes from the planet Jupiter. Finally, Friday is viernes, which comes from the planet Venus. In English, Sunday is from the sun, Monday from the moon, and Saturday from the planet Saturn. In Japanese and Korean, the names of days are also associated with planets and different elements like fire or water.
In some parts of the world, like the United States and Canada, Sunday is the first day of the week. In otehr parts of the world, Monday is the first day of the week. In many countries, most people don't work on Saturday and Sunday, the weekend. They are days of rest and relaxation. Monday to Friday are called the weekdays. In some Muslim countries, Friday and Saturday are days of rest. In Iran, the weekend is only one day. Friday, and the week starts on Saturday. Otehr Muslim countries have weekends on Thursday and Friday.