Minute of Meeting
• K.Chavarid (CIP) purpose objective of meeting about Operation standard Auto attach wax Machine and Delivery to Maintenance
1.Operation standard Machine
2.Manual of Machine
• K. Sumaporn (Production) need for review diary check sheet Machine >>> Maintenance support
• K. Atipupakorn(MT Eng.)need file Operation standard Machine >>> CIP support
• K.Chavarid (CIP) sum up down time of Machine
1. Disk does not rotate
2. Machine does not work
3. Machine error
4. Disk does not up/down
Root cause:
- Ctrl Stepper does not work
- Power supply does not work
- Drive Stepper 4A self pulse does not work
• Maintenance kick off service Auto attach wax Machine (A12) on 9 Mar’2015
• CIP delivery Operation standard Machine to MT on ww10
• Production kick off repairing to MT on 9 Mar’2015