Shylock's case against Antonio is brought to trial, presided over by the Duke of Venice. The Duke and Bassanio urge Shylock to accept repayment of the loan and release Antonio from the grim penalty. Shylock refuses, demanding "justice." A young legal expert, Balthazar (Portia in disguise), arrives with his "clerk" (Nerissa) to help settle the matter. She confirms that Shylock is entitled to "a pound of flesh," but pleads with Shylock to place "mercy" above "justice" and spare Antonio. When he still refuses, Portia reminds Shylock that, according to the law, if he sheds any of Antonio's blood while taking his flesh he will be arrested. Shylock relents and agrees to accept repayment of the loan, but Portia now argues that he should not only be denied his money but that he face a penalty of death for plotting to take the life of a Christian. Sparing Shylock's life, the court takes half his wealth and requires him to convert to Christianity.