In the present day, the standard treatments for this medical disorder include diet modification, antidiabetic drug and insulin treatment. However, in additional to standard treatment, the role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) should be mentioned.
Here, the author reports on the important Thai herbs that are used as compositions for CAM regimen for diabetes mellitus. Further informatics approach is done to fulfill the existed usefulness of identified herbs.
The data from famous classical Thai CAM centers then details of detected herbal contents in the regimens were registered. The derived ethnopharmacological registered data on Thai herbs were further assessed for its clinical feasibility for usage in diabetes treatment by matching the reported literature in the public standard medical database.
There are 7 identified herbs with 1 herb that has supportive evidence in the published literature for feasibility in using in diabetes treatment.
There are many local Thai herbs that should be studied for its ethnopharmacological property for diabetes treatment. This is a preliminary for further research on diabetes treatment.
► Ethnopharmacological herbs are widely used for diabetes treatment at present. ► A systematic evaluation of the actual effects of those herbs is needed. ► Here, Thai ethnopharmacological herbs for diabetes treatment are assessed via informatics technique. ► The results can be the referencing information on alternative therapy for diabetes mellitus.