The top side consists of radiating element as the most
important part which is fed by microstrip line extended from
the center pin of 50Ω connector type. Besides as a feeding line,
the microstrip line also serves as a λ/4 transformer to match the
impedance of radiating element and the connector. The
radiating element which is made of metal copper has 2 distinct
arms in different length arrangement yields a shape of G letter.
The longer arm is designed to resonate at lower resonant
frequency for GPS application, i.e. 1.6GHz, whereas the
shorter one is addressed to work at higher resonant frequency
for WLAN application, i.e. 2.4GHz. Furthermore in the bottom
side, a ground plane is printed only under the microstrip line
feeding network. The thickness of metal copper for G-patch
radiating element, as well as feeding line network and ground
plane is 0.035mm