The kind of day where the sweat covers every part of you like a new layer of skin, further warming your overall body temperature. You can't seem to cool off, no matter how many dehydrating beers you drink, which, incidentally, are expanding your bathing suit waistline. The sweat has even somehow moved past your typically impenetrable eyebrow barrier, stinging your eyeballs. You're blinded by the sweat, by the heat, by the hot hot sun. You're walking in a stupor like some dazed-out, waterlogged version of your alert Winter Self. And just a few steps will bring you from Glowing to Drenched. Up ahead, is that the guy you have a crush on or just a mirage, or maybe that's an oncoming truck? Better duck inside this non-air conditioned bodega just in case it is him, your hair is all frizzy and your bangs have now separated into dewy strands, each storing an almost admirable amount of your forehead sweat. Oh great, you just stepped in a pile of melting garbage. No one will ever love you like this.