• Eric Loss, Shanley McEntee, Dan Pinder, Mani White,
Collin Bascom and the rest of the Crew of the M/Y Sea
Dragon for help with trawling “the most ridiculous
thing we’ve ever towed with this boat”.
• Wiebbe and Wiebbe Anne Bonsink
(HEBO Maritiemservice) for the help testing the multilevel
• Richard Bot and Michel Pattiasina (BDO Auditors and
Advisors) for preliminary financial advice about Non
Profit Organizations in The Netherlands
• Sven Gerhardt, Steven van der Kaaij and Bram Buijs
from graphic design agency HOAX for helping us design
the feasibility study report and book
• John Bos (Fontijne Grotnes) for helping us with
pressing the Ocean Plastic covers of the report.
• Ellese Jobin, Adam Bazadona and Thomas Akey (Cut
and Run) for helping us with editing a video of the first
phase of the project.
• Ewa Miller and Dave Hodge (Fingermusic) for helping
us out with the release event and audiovisual needs
• Japheth Yin (Chongqing Lange Machinery Group Co.,
Ltd.) for supplying us with quotes.
• Rafael Fraga, musician and barnacle enthusiast.
….and all other individuals, companies and institutes
that helped (or offered their help) making this feasibility
study possible.