First of all, my dad provides me about everything I ask for, but I
should be reasonable. He gives me things from what's necessary in life
to luxurious things. He gives me money and I wouldn't even have to ask
for it. If I do, he never questions me why. He pays for everything too.
From educated related things to things I just want. Such as shoes,
clothes, electronics, etc. If I ask, I can get it, depending whether
it's the right time and the right thing to ask for. It's amazing how he
can manage. He's a one man dude. He has to pay for the house bill,
lights, car, insurance, food, everything basically, but he's still able
to make room for me, his little daughter. I don't ever think there was
ever a time he has ever failed my request. I asked for him to pay for
basketball and he paid for it. I asked for
First of all, my dad provides me about everything I ask for, but Ishould be reasonable. He gives me things from what's necessary in lifeto luxurious things. He gives me money and I wouldn't even have to askfor it. If I do, he never questions me why. He pays for everything too.From educated related things to things I just want. Such as shoes,clothes, electronics, etc. If I ask, I can get it, depending whetherit's the right time and the right thing to ask for. It's amazing how hecan manage. He's a one man dude. He has to pay for the house bill,lights, car, insurance, food, everything basically, but he's still ableto make room for me, his little daughter. I don't ever think there wasever a time he has ever failed my request. I asked for him to pay forbasketball and he paid for it. I asked for
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