The measurements of the physical parameters affecting the thermal environment were carried out using the INNOVA 1221, thermal comfort data logger which is connected to a PC with the dedicated application software INNOVA 7701 software for the real time measurements (LumaSense Technologies). INNOVA 1221 is complied with ISO 7730/ CEN 27730 and ASHRAE 55. This instrument uses several transducers such as: air temperature, humidity, air velocity, wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), operative temperature which are simultaneously collecting data. These data are used to calculate key parameters necessary to assess the thermal comfort environment such as predicted mean vote (PMV) and predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) indexes, given the Metabolic rate (MET) and Clothing insulation value (CLO). For this case these values assumed to be equal to: MET=1.2 and CLO=0.8 that corresponds to sedentary activity and light daily wear clothing respectively according to ISO EN 7730. All the parameters were measured at height 1.1m above the floor
according to the standard ISO 7726:1998 for seated people and the sampling interval was 5 min.