Dear ENG 108 students,
The ajaans and I have been talking this over and we are going to extend the turn in day for the project 1... Project 1 will be due the week of May 11-15...
Project 1 submission for grading has change to the Week of May 11-15 in your breakout sessions.
Bring your work in progress, posters and brochures, to class for your instructor's review or comments.
This weeks observations of classes
Thursday and Friday groups improved preparation planning activities.
Tuesday groups, more improvement and effort is required. Team leaders, M-learning checkers do your jobs!
Enjoy the break, but continue to work on your projects. Find examples, adapt to your specific needs.
Remember buy your books, Unit 44 and Unit 1 need to be completed... Instructors will do a book check, don't be caught not prepared or loose points.
For most sections you are going to need to use prevalence and incidence rates... in your brochure.. therefore, know the meaning of the terms... Also you need to make a hard copy and submit this information as evidence to your instructors.
The information statistic is there on the webb waiting for your to discover it..
DO NOT USE --- total deaths...
Final note: AEC content...
1. What year was your country admitted to AEC? That should definely be on your poster
2. Make sure to include your references.
Enjoy the holidays, remember health matters...
Ajaan Robb, Dr. Wararat, Aj Jiraporn, and Aj Phitsinee