forecasts and profit expectations. This investment of their own time and money and the
competitive nature among teams was observed to increase their involvement in the course.
Faculty observation and reflection on the classroom data suggested that the revised
format did help students to relate the experiential activity to the course concepts. Requiring
students to choose a product category; develop, manufacture and sell specific food products; and
generate actual sales data was seen as creating a more “real-world” experience and increased
participation in classroom discussions. Concurrently requiring teams to submit sections of the
marketing plan, when they then revise and resubmitted allowed corrections and enhancements so
the end marketing plans were much more in line with expectations. Classroom discussion and
individual student feedback also revealed the activities students found enjoyable and motivating.
Allowing some class time to work on the project also generated peer pressure for team members
to attend class which improved attendance and participation as compared to the instructor’s
previous pre bake sale classes.