On average, effluent from the maturation pond had relatively
lower values than CW for both FC and Salmonella densities. Both
maturation pond and CW reduced FC to the average mean of
1100 cfu/100 ml and 4633.33 cfu/100 ml respectively. These levels
are within the permissible limits under Tanzanian standards
(Tanzania_Bureau_of_Standards_(TBS), 2005) (max. 10,000 cfu/
100 ml for ambient waters). On reduction of Salmonella densities
based on wet and dry weight, maturation ponds outweighed the
CW by reducing the levels to 0.09 MPN/ml and 235.07 MPN/4 g.
The levels of CW had been fluctuating, with one day being the
highest values (3996.00 MPN/4 g).