general appearance : 24 years old,good conscious,uncomfortable.
skin : not pale, no cyanosis, no rash, no petechiae.
head and face : normal skull and face, no mass.
eyes : normal eye contour, no hemorrhage, conjunctiva not pale, sclera no jaundice,pupil 3 mm. react to light B.E.
ears : external ears normal, no discharge, no mass or lesion, no hearing loss.
nose : normal shape, no discharge.
mouth and throat : normal lips, gum, tongue and buccal mucosa, pharynx not injected, uvula midline, tonsil not enlarged
lymphatic node : no lymphadenopathy in neck, axillary and femoral regions.
neck : no stiffness of neck, no thyroid nodules or enlargement, trachea normal, no engorged of neck vein.
breast : normal shape, no mass.
chest : normal chest contour, symmetrical, both lung expand no retraction, breath sound normal.
heart : heart sound normal S1 & S2 no murmur.
abdomen : no surgical scar, liver and spleen not palpable,soft, mild tenderess at UQ, no guarding bowel sound 8/min.
back : normal shape, no mass, no scar.
genitalia : not exam.
extremities : no deformity, no limit range of motion
nervous system : good consciousness, normal motor power, normal sensory.