3.2. The relationship between DGGE profiles and Hgt concentrations in sampling sites
From the data reported in Table 3, do they provide any information on the effects of the Hgt concentrations in the water and sediment samples on the PNSB diversity? The highest concentration of HgT detected in the water was from a sample collected from the KT2 site (0.030 ug/L) followed by sites TP2 and YT (0.004 ug/L) and TP3 (0.003 ug/L) while the Hgt concentrations in other samples were less than 0.002 ug/L. In contrast, the Hgt concentrations in the sediment samples were significantly higher than those in the water samples; and their Hgt concentrations differed from different collecting sites. The Hgt concentrations in the sediment samples ranged from 35.40 to 391.60 ug/kg dry sediment weight, with a median concentration of 166.01 t 83.61 ug/kg dry sediment weight. The highest concentration of Hgt was detected in the PT site while the lowest was from the PN3 site.