3.4 Fat agglomerationA comparison of the particle size distributions in ice cream mix and ice cream ispresented in Table 3. No significant difference (P>0.05) was found in the extent ofhomogenization (d4,3 mix values) for mixes with either no stabilizer or the CMC/guarcombination, with d4,3 values all <1 μm. A range of fat globule diameter (d4,3) in theice cream mix has been reported to be 0.04–4.0 μm (Caillet et al. 2003). However, theaddition of BSG had a significant impact on the colloidal particle size distribution inthe mix, resulting in substantially larger values at either 0.1% or 0.2% BSG comparedto the commercial gums. To understand these values, solutions of either 0.2% BSG or0.2% BSG, 15% sugar, and 11% skim milk powder were heated and homogenizedunder similar mix processing conditions, and they showed a large peak with a d4,3value of 167 and 81 μm, respectively. This indicates that BSG itself was forminglarge aggregates; consequently, the size distributions reported in Table 3 for mixes donot solely represent fat globules. Hence, further comparisons are difficult.(a)(b)
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