In a Year 3 course, information literacy was integrated into this course assignment
and assessment. The Appendix shows an example of the information literacy related
assignment. The example demonstrates how information literacy can be contextualised in an engineering course assignment. The assignment requires students to act as engineering consultants and to work in a group of three to write a report recommending three ways of measuring river flow. In order to produce the report, students need to explore and evaluate information from required sources such as books, journals, conferences and patents. In this learning context, students were required to use information to learn and to complete their study tasks. When they completed their tasks and wrote a report, they not only learn the subject knowledge,but their ability to search for information and to evaluate information. The integration of information literacy in this course enabled students to improve their capability of evaluation and applying information in a new learning environment and to generate new knowledge. In addition, by completing this assignment, their teamwork skills will
also be enhanced.