recommended medthod of analysis for determination of anisidine value of fish oil
international association of fish meal manufacturers
The anisidine value is a measure of the alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes of fats and oil. The Anisidine method replaces the former benzidine method due to the toxic benzidine. notice that the two method gives different values. applicable to marine body oils.
the anisidine value
All reagents shall be of analytical reagent grade.
para anisidine p.a.
2,2,4, Trimethylpentane (iso-octane) 99%
acetic-acid 100% p.a.
anisidine reagent 0.25% W/v. dissolve 0.25g para-anisidine in 100ml acetic-acid
volumetric flask 25ml
test-tubes 10ml glass stoppered.
pipettes 1ml and 5ml.