3.3. Emulsion ageing
The effect of grape seeds tannins G15ox on the emulsion ageing
was performed by granulometric analysis by monitoring the emulsified
volume decrease as a function of time (Supplementary data
S2 and S3). Emulsions contained either 50% (w/w) or 10% (w/w)
of methyl oleate in phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7) and tannins
G15 (0.9% w/v of the oil phase). A ‘‘fresh’’ emulsion (1 h old) and
a 1 month old emulsion were compared. In the first experiment
(50% of methyl oleate), 10% of the formed droplets had a size of
the order of 0.7 lm. About 50% of droplets had a size lower or equal
to 1 lm and 10% had a diameter superior to 2.2 lm. After a month
of ageing, 10% of the formed droplets had a size of the order of
2 lm. About 50% of droplets had a size lower or equal to 3 lm
and 10% had a diameter superior to 5.6 lm. The droplets size thus
roughly tripled during the storage.