Cerro Prieto, twenty miles south of the United state border, is a large geothermal energy field likely to produce 1,000 megawatts of electricity annually by the early 1990's. this will be well above its initial 1973 capacity of 75 megawatts, Which was doubled in 1979, with a further 30 megawatts added two year later to bring it up its present capacity. However, in addition to the primary purpose of producing electricity, scientists at Cerro Prieto have developed serveral other uses for the geothermal teat and fluid including some in aquaculture and hydroponics. In relation to the former, crayfish are raised in water kept at about 80 they feed on the minute crustaceans and algae occurring naturally in the geothermal fluid while special strains of bacteria have been introduced to clean the water along with small local crayfish that absorb salts harmful to the commercial variety. this variety's metabolism is speed up by the controlled environment, which reduces growing time. The salth-rich geothermal fluid also produces striking results through the use of hydroponics, with yields of crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers as much as 300 per cent higher than in normal soil. Meanwhile, a ten-meter-long enclosed shed produces half a ton of barley grass per day, the grass reaching a height of five inches in only seven days from seed