Moreover, we adopted an approach based on a psychodynamic matrix (Amado and Lévy, 2001; Vansina and Vansina‐Cobbaert, 2008; Barus‐Michel et al., 2002). Vansina and Vansina‐Cobbaert (2008) stated that a psychodynamic view on groups and organizations looks at all possible factors that influence group and organizational behavior and structures. They suggest: “In the praxis we see psychodynamics as an approach by which one endeavors to gain a good enough understanding of what ishappening or not happening in a system in order to take affective action (or in‐action) to improve in a more lasting way the functioning of that system in its environment, while offering opportunities for psychic development for the people concerned” (Vansina and Vansina‐Cobbaert, 2008, pp. 113‐14).