Noni, the common name for Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae) is a plant typically found in the Tahitian and Hawaiian islands.The bark, stem, root, leaf, and fruit have been used traditionally for many diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, and cancer,and are all mentioned
as Hawaiian herbal remedies. In the earlier pharmacological work, the juice of noni fruits was found to prolong the life of mice implanted Lewis lung carcinoma.2 Extracts of noni roots have been tested for their analgesic effects and have shown a significant, dose-related, central analgesic activity in treated mice. The chemical components of noni have not been well studied, and only several anthraquinones and asperuloside were previously isolated. Here we report the isolation of three novel glycosides (1-3) from the n-BuOH-soluble fraction of noni fruit extract.