Because VSEW targets people new to ASP.NET development as well as seasoned web developers,
you can choose among different developer profiles: Basic Settings, Code Only, and Expert Settings.
In Basic Settings mode, many menu items you don’t frequently use have been hidden or are placed in
their own submenu. The Code Only profile is great for pure coding sessions where you’re not interested
in many of the design features of VSEW, such as Design View or the Toolbox. Expert Settings
mode gives you access to the full functionality of VSEW. You can switch between settings using
the Tools Í Settings menu. This book assumes you are using Expert Settings mode right from the
beginning. You may not need all the features you see right from the start, but you sure will use most
of them by the end of the book. Because the menu items change location depending on the profile
you choose, I decided to use Expert Settings mode right away, to make it easier to refer to a specific
menu item or feature. You don’t have this option in the commercial versions of Visual Studio —
Expert Settings is on by default.