Another Kuro and Mahiru?! Shock shuddered through the group, and everyone’s mouths dropped- Including, the lazy and usually expressionless, Kuro’s.
But, it’s what the other Kuro and Mahiru were doing that shocked everyone more. Well, more than there being two Sloth Pairs, anyway…
The other Kuro and Mahiru were… Passionately making out on the sofa. Alternate Mahiru was lying on top of Alternate Kuro, his arms were at the either side of Kuro’s head, and was happily sticking his tongue down the other’s throat. The couple hadn’t noticed the newcomers at all, and it looked like it wouldn’t take long before things turned into something other than PG. The original Mahiru could feel his face getting redder by the second, and even the original Kuro seemed to be struggling to comprehend what was going on. Was it the brunette’s imagination, or did the lazy Servamp have a blush on his cheeks? Then again, he couldn’t really tell since the Servamp was in his cat form. Either way, that wasn’t important. What was more important was that there were two Sloth pairs; one of which making out. Despite the situation, though, everyone seemed completely unable to move. The normally enthusiastic Hyde’s mouth was still open and was for once completely silent. Thankfully, one person within the group remained composed. Licht.