· Family–focused Therpy- It helps enhance family coping
strategies, such as recognising new episodes. Early and
helping their loved one. This therapy also improves
communication and problem–solving.
· Interpersonal and social rhythm Therapy – It helps people
with bipolar disorder improve their relationship with other
and manage their daily routines. Daily routine and sleep
schedule may help protect against manic episode.
· Psyco-education- It teaches about the bipolar disorder and
illness and there treatment. This treatment help people
recognize signs of relapse so they can seek treatment
early, before a full blown episode occurs.
Other treatments
· Electroconvulsive Therapy- If the medication and
psychotherapy does not work, electroconvulsive therapy
(ECT) may be useful, ECT formally known as ‘shock
therapy’. Before ECT is administratersed, a patient takes
a muscles relaxant and is put under brief anaesthesia. On
average ECT treatment last from 30-90 sec. people who
have ECT usually recover after 5-15 min and are able to
go have same day.
It is effective but not first line drug.
ECT may cause some short term side effect, including
confusion, disorientation, and memory loss. But this side
effect typically clears soon after treatment.
· Sleep Medication- Those have trouble sleeping usually
sleep better after getting treatment for bipolar disorder.
· Herbal Supplement- In general there is not much
research about herbal or natural supplements. An herb
called St. John’s wort (hypericum perforatum) often
marketed as natural antidepressant may cause switch to
mania in some people with bipolar disorder15
Scientist also researching omega- 3 fatty acid (found in fish
oil) to measure their usefulness of long term treatment of
bipolar disorder.16
Side effects of Antidepressant drug
The psychiatrist prescribing the medication or pharmacist can
also answer questions about side effects. Over the last
decade, treatments have improved, and some medications
now have fewer or more tolerable side effects than earlier
treatments. However, everyone responds differently to
medications. In some cases, side effects may not appear until
a person has taken a medication for some time.
People being treated for bipolar disorder should not stop
taking a medication without talking to a doctor first.
Suddenly stopping a medication may lead to “rebound,” or
worsening of bipolar disorder symptoms. Other
uncomfortable or potentially dangerous withdrawal effects
are also possible.
The following sections describe some common side effects of
the different types of medications used to treat bipolar
Mood Stabilizers
In some cases, lithium can cause side effects such as:
· Restlessness
· Dry mouth
· Bloating or indigestion
· Acne
· Unusual discomfort to cold temperatures
· Joint or muscle pain
· Brittle nails or hair.