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What items can be bought or sold in the Adult Only category?
In order to search and buy items in Adult Only listings, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions of this category and:... Be at least 18 years old.... Provide eBay with a credit card in your name....
The item I was buying was removed
How to get bidding or buying restored after an account has been restricted
Please check your email for a message we sent that tells you for how long your account is restricted, and how you may be able to buy items again.... Learn more about unpaid items ....
Buying or bidding limits
Approved payment methods include PayPal, credit/debit card, escrow service, and, in certain categories, check or wire transfers.... When you use an approved payment method, your purchased items are protected by the eBay Money Back Guarantee ....
Getting a refund for an item you didn't receive