5 Qualifications of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff Faculty qualifications may be considered in these broad areas educational, experience, and personal or attitudinal The educational qualifications of faculty members require that they have a mastery of their subject which is greater than the subject content they will teach to their students The depth and breadth of understanding of a competence in the subject gives the teachers the comprehension they nced to teach its various concepts, principles, techniques, and aspects with the complete confidence which comes from knowing the subject The educational preparation of the instructors of the technical specialty courses must include a comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles and phenomena underlying each aspcct of each subject. They must have the knowledge and capability to usc all of thc appropriate apparatus materials equipment, procedures techniqucs measurements and determinations, and to perform the required special scrviccs with the confident skills and adequacy requircd of the skilled technician. They must also be proficient in and be able to teach the interpersonal relationships and their required skills in their spccial field