Head out to PoPoLoCrois, that's all there is to do.
ITEMS: Melia Orb.
Guilda felt an evil presence enter the castle and sent Narcia to check it out.
Pietro explains what happened, and Narcia offers to go with him. Gon and Don
rush in saying that they will help, and that you should have told them sooner.
All three join. Yay Heal Rain. Sorry, I know I missed it.
IMPORTANT: Go to the S house in PoPoLoCrois, the one with all the cats. Speak
with the woman and she will give you the [MELIA ORB], which works like Jewels,
but is infinite and costs 20 MP! YOU WANT THIS! BADLY!
Go to the shop and upgrade where you can, they have some new stuff. I'd grab a
Courage Badge for Pietro, but that's me. Head for Guilda's Treehouse.
Nothin' new here, just head to the treehouse. Guilda already knows what
happened, and tells you a bit about Paulo's past. He used to be known as the
Lion King, clad n gold armor. He was considered a living legend. Guilda says
that Raduk should be able to track the king down. You need a way to get there,
and Gami Gami Devil built an airplane before... Apparently he lives near Godrif
now. Head there.
Nothing good in the shop, so just head S. In the S corner is a staircase, take
it and head into the next area.
ENEMIES: Elysium Bird, Ninja Robot, Steamed Power, Samurai Robot.
Just follow the path around, there's only one way to go. Once you reach the
building, there's STILL only one way to go. When you reach a room with a
control panel and white circles on the floor, when you attempt to enter the
next room the alarm system goes off. A large robot falls from the ceiling and
Gon and Don run away. Looks like it's just Pietro and Narcia to fight this hunk
of junk!
Robomander: 2313 HP.
Attacks: Normal attack, Lightning (attack in front),
This thing's Lightning hurts, but some Retribution and FA + Invoke Lightning
will show him who's boss. You can use your new Orb if you like, it's more
damage to cut him down even faster. Just play it safe and keep your HP up,
there shouldn't really be any problem.
Gami Gami Devil comes down from the ceiling after you beat up his new 'bot, and
he's not too happy about it. That changes as soon as he notices Narcia, of
course. He invites you to come talk in his room. It takes some convincing, but
he'll help you. Only problem is that his new plane isn't finished yet, he's
missing a part from his old castle. You know, the one he blew up on you. You'll
have to go get it. Gami Gami Devil is back on the squad, too bad Gon and Don
chickened out.
Head back out and back to Godrif. Grab Gami an Elusion Bracer, then head to
PoPoLoCrois and get some Sneakers for him. Now head to Gami Gami City.
ENEMIES: Striker Bird, Skewered Rocks, Caterpillar.
New monsters, definitely a step up from the old stuff. Be careful. Nothing else
new here.
ENEMIES: Shadow Robot, Steamed King.
Yep, new stuff here too. Nothing else, keep on going to Gami Gami City.
Grab the new Mindwrecker that Gami desperately needs at the shop and some new
boots for him. I'd pass on the Elder's Staff, it doesn't boost MPWR or MDEF.
When you're done with that, head to Gami Gami Castle.
ENEMIES: Shadow Robot, Steamed King.
Head NE, then SE down the stairs. Head NE to the blue control panel in front of
the door and examine it. Gami Gami Devil will do the security check and open up
the door, head inside. The path has only one way to go, so take it. After a
ways, you'll find the part automatically and will go back to New Gami Gami
Castle to finish the new plane.
After a bit of smoke, Gami finishes the Gami Gami Wind Compact DX and the group
hops in to go see Raduk. After a bit of, uh, turbulence, the group ends up on
the outskirts of Hata Hata Village.