After a 6-day osteogenic induction, the murineMC3T3-E1 cellswere
incubated using serum-free medium,which contained Rb2 and/or H2O2
for 2 days. The intracellular ROS expression level was determined using
the ROS assay kit. DCFH-DA can be oxidized by ROS in viable cells to
2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein (DCF), which is highly fluorescent at 530 nm.
These cellswerewashed three timeswith PBS. DCFH-DA,whichwas diluted
to a final consistency of 10 μM,was added and cultured for 30min
at 37 °C in the dark. When washed three times by PBS, the relative
expression of fluorescence was quantified using a multi-detection
micro-plate reader (485 nm excitation and 535 nm emission).