'Good God! What is the matter?' he cried, then added, 'Let me, or let the servant, go to find Mr and Mrs Gardiner. You are not well enough. You cannot go yourself.'
Elizabeth hesitated, but her legs were trembling, and she realized he was right. After giving the servant her message, she sat down, looking so ill that Darcy could not leave her, or stop himself saying gently, 'Let me call someone to look after you.Shall I get you a glass of wine? You are very ill.'
'Good God! What is the matter?' he cried, then added, 'Let me, or let the servant, go to find Mr and Mrs Gardiner. You are not well enough. You cannot go yourself.'Elizabeth hesitated, but her legs were trembling, and she realized he was right. After giving the servant her message, she sat down, looking so ill that Darcy could not leave her, or stop himself saying gently, 'Let me call someone to look after you.Shall I get you a glass of wine? You are very ill.'
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