Remember when it comes to street photography, not every one of your shots are going to be good. You are going to take a lot of crappy photos in order to make the good ones. Even Martin Parr stated n an interivew that he estimates that he takes “tens upon thousands” of photographs a year and prints out “maybe 15,000 of them” and, he adds, “If there are 10 good ones, it would be a good year.” – Link
I think few photographers are nearly as prolific as Martin Parr, and he (one of the greatest photographers out there right now) only gets 10 good photos in a year.
Of course we may take more than 10 good photos in a year or fewer than 10 good photographs in a year – but use this number as a ballpark figure to remind yourself that making a great street photograph is really really hard.
Takeaway point: Shoot as much as you can, but be ruthless when it comes to editing. Read one of my articles on “15 Tips How You Can Better Edit Your Work“.
During the last 5 years or so I have been shooting street photography, I think I have only taken around 5 photographs that I would feel proud of having people rememember me by after I pass away. However I am currently in the project of shooting for an entire year and only showing my best 20 at the end (in December). Remember, less is more!