Dear K. Wankanit and K. Anchana
This is Kenichi Umeyama from EnviX.
I have just called TAPMA and talked with Ms. Anchana.
First of all, thank you for your big support for our project
as well as the invitation to TAPA 2016.
Basically we are happy to receive your invitation and will consider about it.
However, apart from the TAPA 2016 in April,
we need to organize a seminar in January to explain about what we have done
because this project will finish in February 2016.
Hence I would like to have a seminar on 25 January and
invite stakeholders to explain about the outcome of the project.
Do you think you can arrange the stakeholders meeting on 25 Jan?
If yes, we are very pleased but even if no, I would like you and your member companies
to join the seminar.
Our idea is to explain about more detail of chemical management on 25 Jan 2016
and probably will explain just about an abstract in April 2016 at TAPA.
(So, we plan to explain about more details in January, than in April.)
I will travel Thailand tomorrow so I can visit your office this week (23 or 24 Dec)
So can I visit your office for meeting on 23 or 24 ?
Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Kenichi Umeyama