The objective of the study is to propose model of an OLR that accommodate
social networks, Semantic Web, Big Data and Cloud Computing to facilitate
pervasive knowledge management. The stages of study are literature review,
propose reference model, interview to verify the model and confirm the model
with testing. Each phase employs different approach and method. In this paper we
focus the phases of literature analysis to the reference model. To develop such a
model, this article builds on recent reviews of Cloud Computing, Online Learning
Resources and Semantic Web. The Google Scholar search was conducted using
keywords Semantic Web AND online learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing and
Online Learning, Social network and online learning. After removing duplicates
and articles beyond the scope of this study, researcher selected 55 articles for
reviews. Researchers employ meta-synthesis to integrate, evaluate and interpret
the findings of multiple research studies from phenomenological and grounded
theory be integrated and used. Those ideas were combined to identify their
common core elements and themes. Then, we analyse and synthesize key elements
into new interpretations, conceptualizations, and modelling of OLR with pervasive
knowledge. We chose only English-language articles published in peer-reviewed
journals. Then, we conducted interviews to the selected teachers at high schools
level who use OLR. The interviews’ resulted were coded and analysed to refine
the proposed model.